Ozone Therapy
Ozone (O3) is a less stable form of oxygen than the O2 oxygen which we breathe on a daily basis. As a result it degrades quickly.
The medical applications of ozone are due to this instability and the reactions which take place when it breaks down.

Ozone gas is an unstable molecule and breaks down readily, exposing nearby simple pathogenic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites to oxidation.
Red blood cells exposed to ozone during an autohemotherapy treatment have an increased production of 2,3-DPG and ATP, two essential components in the metabolic energy production pathway.
Ozone Therapy
Getting Started With Ozone Therapy
To ensure that ozone therapy will be a safe and effective treatment for you an initial naturopathic consultation is required prior to starting treatment. If you would like to get started with ozone therapy after your initial visit please book an “Initial consultation with IV treatment.” The initial ozone therapy treatment is offered at a lesser cost if it is on the same day as the initial consultation.
Initial consultation: $180
Subsequent ozone therapy treatment: $140
Initial consultation with ozone therapy treatment: $255 ($65 savings)
Conditions Treated By Ozone Therapy
Ozone therapy helps many health conditions

What Is Ozone Therapy?
The ozone molecule is composed of three oxygen atoms bound together (O=O=O) and is written in short form as O3. The “oxygen” which we breathe and require for cellular functioning is actually two oxygen atoms bound together (O=O), written as O2. Ozone is a less stable form of oxygen than the O2 form of oxygen which we breathe on a daily basis and as a result, degrades fairly quickly. The medical applications of ozone are due to this instability and the reactions which take place when it breaks down.
Ozone began being used medically in the early 1900s. In 1915, German physician Dr. Albert Wolf described the topical use of ozone for wounds, decubitus ulcers and osteomyelitis1. During the First World War ozone was also used to disinfect wounds2. In 1958 Dr. Joachim Hänsler released the first commercial medical ozone generator and his company, Ozonosan, lives on in Germany today. Water ozonation has been deemed acceptable for water treatment and disinfection by Health Canada3 and locally it has been employed in Halifax harbour clean-up efforts.
How Does Ozone Therapy Work?
Oxygen Utilization
The ability of ozone gas to increase oxygen saturation4, oxygen utilization and tissue oxygen delivery4-5 are several of the actions which are attributed with its therapeutic effect. Ozone therapy has a 2-fold effect in that it increases the oxygen saturation of the blood and also increases oxygen utilization. Red blood cells exposed to ozone during an autohemotherapy treatment have an increased production of 2,3-DPG and ATP, two essential components in the metabolic energy production pathway6,7.
Ozone gas is an unstable molecule and breaks down readily, exposing nearby simple pathogenic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites to oxidation and oxidation by-products (peroxides). Three atoms of oxygen bound together are unstable and want to break down into two conjoined atoms of oxygen and one single oxygen atom. The single oxygen atom is quite unstable on its own and wants to interact with another molecule through oxidation. Oxidation is the mechanism responsible for the anti-microbial effect of ozone.
How Is Ozone Therapy Used?

During an autohemotherapy treatment a sample of blood is collected and ozone gas is bubbled through the blood sample. The ozone gas quickly breaks down, exerting a gentle oxidative effect on the blood. Finally the blood sample is returned into the vein from which it was collected. The oxidative effect is believed to be the cause of the increased energy production, oxygen saturation and oxygen utilization which occurs after treatment.
Prolozone Injection
During a prolozone treatment ozone gas is injected intra-articularly (into the joint) or subcutaneously (under the skin) in order to treat painful conditions of the joint and/or joint instability. Osteoarthritis is a commonly treated and well-responding condition to intra-articular prolozone injections.
Ozonated olive oil
When bubbled through olive oil, ozone quickly degrades and reacts with the olive oil being used. The remaining olive oil has undergone significant peroxidation, which essentially means that it has taken on some of the unstable properties of the gas which it has reacted with. This olive oil doesn’t contain ozone gas but has inherited it’s anti-microbial (anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic) properties. Ozonated olive oil is only used topically.
Ozonated water
Water is a good medium for carrying ozone gas. When ozone is bubbled through water, a significant amount of the gas becomes dissolved in the water. This “ozonated water” has a potent anti-microbial effect8-11 and is used by some dentists as an antiseptic.
Limb-bagging introduces topical ozone gas directly to an affected area of the skin. A limb, such as an arm or leg, is covered with a plastic bag which is filled with ozone gas through a small opening in the bag. This application is helpful in the treatment of many types of topical infections including diabetic ulcers, onychomycosis (fungal nail infection), athlete’s foot and tinea versicolor (a pale discolouration of the skin brought on by a fungal infection).
Rectal insufflation
Ozone gas can also be introduced into the body through the digestive tract. Rectal insufflation involves inserting a small catheter into the rectum and introducing ozone gas to tolerance level. This avenue is ideal for people with certain conditions affecting the blood and people who are adverse to needles.
Continued: Conditions Treated By Ozone Therapy
Musculoskeletal Conditions (Pain and Injuries)
Many musculoskeletal conditions have shown excellent results when treated with ozone. Clinical research with ozone in the treatment of herniated discs12-22 has yielded overwhelmingly positive results in reduction of associated pain and improved healing. Fracture and displacement of the lumbar vertebrae (spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis) have also responded well to treatment with ozone, with a significant reduction of pain23. Patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction24 and osteoarthritis (arthritis)25-27 have shown positive results with ozone treatment in clinical trials. Low back pain in general has responded well to treatment with ozone therapy28-29. Fibromyalgia, a classically difficult condition to treat, also showed improvement in associated pain and depression30.
Adding on to the above, I have seen very encouraging results in patients with painful conditions, especially osteoarthritis. In treating an osteoarthritic joint, ozone gas is injected directly into the affected joint space. I have found this treatment to be quite effective for treating the pain associated with osteoarthritis and promoting healing. The injection itself ranges from not painful at all to mildly uncomfortable.
Cardiovascular Conditions
By increasing oxygen utilization and oxygen saturation, treatment with ozone therapy has significantly improved several cardiovascular conditions including peripheral artery disease4, 31-32, critical limb ischemia33 (very poor circulation to a limb) and Raynaud’s syndrome34. Each of these conditions involves cardiovascular degradation and slowing of the blood flow through arteries.
Ozone acts by inactivating the viruses which cause hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) as well as by stimulating the immune system, helping patients with hepatitis to fight off the infection. Hepatitis B35 and Hepatitis C36, which are classically very serious and difficult conditions to treat, have responded well in clinical trials to treatment with ozone.
Dental Conditions
There has been a large volume of clinical research performed on the use of ozone in a dental setting for treating infections of the teeth and gums. It is clear that ozone is helpful it treating dental caries (cavities)37-43, periodontitis (gum infection)44-45 and is also helpful in improving dental surgery healing rate. The main mechanism by which it achieves these changes is through an anti-bacterial effect46.
Skin & Nail Conditions
Ozone’s anti-microbial effects have also been found to be quite effective for treating infections of the skin and nails in clinical research. Fungal infections of the nails (onymycosis)47-48 have responded better to ozone treatment than standard medical treatment. Diabetic foot ulcers have similarly shown significant improvement49-50.
Other Infectious Conditions
Ozone has also been researched in the treatment of several other infection-associated health conditions. Treatment of pneumonia51, chlamydia52, fistulas53 and gastric ulcers54 have all shown excellent results. Ozone has also been effective in preventing infection when given as a pre-treatment for men undergoing prostate surgery55.
Other Conditions
Ozone therapy has also shown promise in treatment of a variety of other conditions in clinical trials including pancreatitis56, vestibulocochlear syndrome57 (a condition characterized by vertigo, nystagmus, tinnitus and hearing loss), sudden sensory-neural hearing loss58, macular degeneration59, emphysema60 and osteonecrosis61.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most insurance plans provide coverage for the administration of ozone therapy which is the majority of the cost of the total treatment. If your insurance provider covers naturopathic services then they should cover the administration of ozone treatment. Some insurance companies will also cover the cost of the supplies used in the treatment, while some do not.
How often you need ozone therapy will depend on your overall health and which health issues are being treated. Some conditions require more frequent treatment (once per week to start) while other health concerns can be treated less frequently (once per three months).
Inhaled ozone is irritating to lung tissue due to it’s fragility and susceptibility to oxidation. Ozone gas is non-toxic when used in physiologic doses in the medical applications discussed on this page. A properly trained practitioner applies ozone in a safe and controlled manner with a high quality generator and medical grade oxygen. Inhaled ozone is not used in ozone therapy.
Side effects are not common with ozone therapy. The ozone treatments offered at MacLeod Naturopathic are administered at a controlled dose and rate to ensure optimal safety and side effects are rare. With this said it is possible to experience light headedness, low blood pressure, nausea or discomfort at the site of IV insertion. These issues are generally self limiting and pass within a short period of time.
I have been trained in the use of ozone therapy with Dr. Frank Shallenberger MD of Reno, Nevada. Dr. Shallenberger is recognized as the foremost educator on the use of ozone therapy in North America. Dr. Shallenberger’s training includes clinical indications, safety and methods of application of ozone therapy, as well as practical applications.
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- Stoker G(1916). “The Surgical Uses of Ozone”. Lancet II: 712.
- “Water Treatment Devices for Disinfection of Drinking Water”. Health Canada 2008. Web 22 August 2014. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/water-eau/disinfect-desinfection-eng.php
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- Kshitish D1, Laxman VK. The use of ozonated water and 0.2% chlorhexidine in the treatment of periodontitis patients: a clinical and microbiologic study. Indian J Dent Res. 2010 Jul-Sep;21(3):341-8.
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